Facebook is the #1 platform that connects you to your audience. It’s an invaluable resource for distributing content, interacting with customers and receiving feedback.

Through Facebook you can deepen the relationship with your audience, discover what content customers are engaging with the most and develop conversations with your audience.

In this post we’re going to look at two specific areas of Facebook for business: management and analysis.

How To Manage Your Facebook Business Page

Managing your Facebook page can require a big investment of time, depending on the level of engagement you want to have with your audience and the type of industry you are in.

If you manage an active business-to-consumer Facebook page then you will generally want to interact with your audience on Facebook more than a company that is exclusively business-to-business.

For large brands with thousands of fans, there will likely be a higher amount of time investment needed in managing the content of the page and any messages from the community.

Content Management

Good content is king.
Managing your content is key to a successful Facebook page. This includes text posts, gifs, images and videos. Without good content, people will ignore your Facebook page.
The key to good content management is scheduling. When you plan your posts in advance, it reduces the stress of thinking of new ideas for content. It also keeps constant interaction with your audience.
I also believe that consistency on Facebook is imperative. Scheduling posts into a clear content calendar at the start of every week or month can build routine. Structure is key to gaining momentum on Facebook.
Scheduling posts that include special events can be a great way to start. With a simple Google search, you can see what upcoming national holidays or special occasions might be soon.
You can incorporate anniversaries, openings or new product launches in your content calendar. Once you decide when to schedule your posts, you can develop the content around this and publish.

Tips For Making Great Facebook Business Page Content

  • 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. Add captions to your video to increase viewership.
  • After 3 Seconds A view is counted on Facebook. Be compelling from the get-go.
  • Live videosare viewed three times as long as pre-recorded digital videos. People love to watch things live, as they are more authentic.
  • Be authentic and keep videos light and easy to follow, to allow room for sparking conversation among viewers in the comments section.

How To Analyze Facebook Insights

Facebook analysis can be conducted through Facebook Analytics, Facebook’s very own analytics suite. It analyzes how people interact with your page and serves this information in a visual way.

The data is valuable to due to the depth of information that Facebook users record about themselves on their personal profiles. The default overview of the Facebook Analytics dashboard shows key metrics as being:

  • Unique users (the number of unique users who are using your Facebook page)
  • New users (the number of new users who have recently started interacting with your Facebook page)
  • Active conversations
  • New conversations

User data can be dissected into age, gender and location (country, city) information based on a user’s profile. Device information is also captured, including operating system and device model.

In my opinion the demographic data may be more accurate than Google Analytics data, due to the fact that users enter their date of birth when signing up for Facebook.

Facebook Stats To Watch

  • Reach: How many people saw your post
  • Clicks: How many of those people actually clicked on your post when it showed up in their feed.
  • Reactions, Comments, Shares: How many people interacted with your post on a deeper level. The more interaction you get the more likely you are to appear in their friends feeds.
  • Average Watch Time: How long are people watching your video? When do they stop watching? How many make it to the end?

Wrap Up

To get the most out of what Facebook has to offer, it is important to be consistent. This means that a consistent commitment to delivering content, managing interactions with fans and analyzing the data Facebook collects are all key.

It’s important to consider the level of investment (time and money) you’re willing to commit to this platform based on your size and industry. Facebook is a fantastic opportunity to develop deeper relationships with your audience.

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