WIC Video | Sullivan & Cromwell

Highlighting the firm’s Women’s Initiative Committee

Client: Sullivan & Cromwell
Industry: Legal
Video Type: Recruitment
Messaging Type: Interview-Based

About This Video Project

Sullivan & Cromwell commissioned us to create a video about the Women’s Initiative Committee (WIC). This video highlights the amazing collection of individuals that make up the WIC and the various ways in which the committee helps to support the professional development and career progression of women lawyers. Learn how the WIC provides a space for women to network, have social activities, and receive the support they need to develop into the best lawyers they can be at Sullivan & Cromwell.


The Women’s Initiative Committee, which we call the WIC, has really developed in so many ways that I think are meaningful to our women lawyers. The community of lawyers who identify as women at S&C is one that I am incredibly proud and honored to be part of. It is a truly amazing collection of individuals. For our lawyers who identify as women, it was really important that we have a space to be able to get together, to talk about professional development, to network, to have social activities, and really know one another. Our Women’s Initiative Committee’s programming helps women to see that there is a path and a future and a collection of peers as well who will be supportive of their goals. Being able to model behavior after people who have gone ahead of you, being able to hear insights about what works, what doesn’t work, all of that contributes to an ability to figure out what’s comfortable for you as an individual. The Women’s Initiative Committee does a great job putting on events throughout the year, whether it’s the annual Women’s Summer Dinner or the wine tasting or the cocktails and conversation. The Women’s Initiative Committee has really helped build a community here. I also love the informal coffees, different get-togethers where women of all different seniorities show up. Those are the moments where I really get candid feedback from the women I work with and really feel like they care about me and my progression at this firm. The firm supports so much programming for people of color and for women. We had a Women’s Leadership Lunch, which was a sit-down with three women partners and a special counsel interviewed them and they were talking about self-advocacy. And it was an hour of really insightful comments by senior women at this firm talking about what it means to advocate for yourself and to try to chart a path in your career. It adds to the many ways in which S&C helps support your career progression and your development as a lawyer. Office Hours is a really nice feature of the WIC programming that we offer, which can be an informal conversation or it can be an actual serious conversation about your career or about a topic that you have a question on or anything in between. And it’s really important to me to participate and sponsor those things because the firm has given me so much and has done so much to support my career that I want to give back to the women lawyers who are growing up at the firm now. When we hire women, we are making a promise to them, which is that you are going to come here and you’re going to receive the support that you need to develop into the best lawyer that you can be. And so this program really provides a vehicle that helps us support them in that endeavor.

To learn more: https://www.sullcrom.com

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