Marty Lyons Foundation Celebrity Golf Classic

Over 8,400 Families in 14 States Have Been Helped

Client: Marty Lyons Foundation
Industry: Non-Profit
Video Type: Awareness
Messaging Type: Interview-Based

About This Video Project

The Marty Lyons Foundation has continuously brought people together to make a difference. Watch as they celebrate their 37th Annual Celebrity Golf Classic where they played golf, had some laughs and raised funds for a great cause. They also honored now NFL Hall of Famer Joe Klecko as well as some other supporters. With generous sponsors and donations, the foundation has raised $42 million and helped over 8,400 families in 14 states. Learn more about this amazing foundation and the kids that they help.


We’d like to welcome everyone to the 37th annual Marty Lyons Foundation Celebrity Golf Classic. Remember, everybody’s going to come off the golf course as a winner. Have fun and remember, the money that we’re raising today will create a lot of hope for kids tomorrow. Marty Lyons Foundation is about bringing people together, making a difference, changing lives, helping those that can’t help themselves. They say you attract what you want, and they’re attracting great people. That’s why it’s only going to get bigger and better. This is one of the most well-done golf outings I’m at every year. We’re not doing as well as I thought we might do, but we’re having fun. You can’t explain the experience that Marty Lyons has had raising money to help people in need. I just want to commend everybody here that stands up for the Marty Lyons Foundation. 41 years he’s been doing this. Giving comes from the heart. Everybody out here shares a common thread, whether it’s a celebrity, whether it’s business people, whatever. If you missed it this time because it sold out, you better sign up fast because it’s going to sell out again next year and the year after that. Marty Lyons has been doing some wonderful work for many years, and that’s why so many other guys come out. We just want to support him. I’ll always be here if I can. You can judge somebody by the amount of colleagues, friends, and family that show up. After spending 45 minutes announcing every ex-NFL guy in the room, it goes to show you what type of person this man is. This foundation hits bullseye right in your heart. Oh! The sponsors, they’re giving the opportunity to the kids, and I think that that’s the essence of life. We have to make sure that our future, in terms of our kids, is always solid. The foundation is 41 years old only because of people like yourself. There were so many generous people that came up to give me a check to show me their support. So before we took the first swing out there today, we had donations of $125,000. At the end of this year, through people like yourself, we will have generated over $42 million. We will have helped over 8,400 families, and we are now in 14 states. Kids these days have it so tough. But you know what, it’s foundations like the Marty Lyons Foundation that do such great, amazing things for these children. I’m beyond grateful for the work that they’ve done for me, and this may be my first time back in like maybe 11 years, but I’m back, baby. And that is how it’s done. To live life is a privilege. To live life to the fullest, that’s a choice. Have no regrets. We all made the choice. And in doing so, I’m going to see you next year.

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