Happy Tails: Lilly Pond’s Story | ARF

How ARF Gave Lilly and Her Siblings A Second Chance at Life

Client: ARF
Industry: Non-Profit
Video Type: Awareness
Messaging Type: Scripted

About This Video Project

ARF hired us to craft an impactful edit-only video utilizing client-submitted footage to narrate the heartwarming journey of Lily Pond. Faced with multiple challenges and the possibility of euthanasia, Lilly Pond found hope through the intervention of ARF. We hired a skilled voice-over actor to articulate the compelling script that details their 41-day recovery in isolation, intensive medical care, and the transformative work of ARF’s volunteers in socializing them. The final video highlights ARF’s dedication as a 100% community-funded organization, showcasing how donations make a significant impact in providing medical care, behavioral training, and loving homes for cats and dogs in need.


Lilly Pond and her siblings were only eight weeks old when they were found in Georgia. Their tiny bodies were ravaged by dimidex mange, a potentially fatal condition that left them hairless, scaly, and itchy. Local shelters were stretched thin. They didn’t have the resources to provide months of medical care and they faced the heartbreaking decision to have the entire litter euthanized. This is where ARF enters the story. With the help of rescue partners and support from donors, the puppies traveled a thousand miles to reach East Hampton. They spent the next 41 days in isolation, receiving intense around-the-clock treatment from the ARF Hampton’s medical team. They grew stronger, but they were terrified of people. The puppies had never known a loving human touch before their rescue. They trembled in fear when approached. ARF’s volunteers helped socialize them, teaching them to play, cuddle, and just be dogs. After nearly ten weeks at ARF, all six dogs were declared mange-free and healthy, and one by one, they were adopted to loving families. ARF is 100% community-funded. Your donations allow the staff to provide extraordinary medical care, behavioral training, food, and shelter for as long as necessary because ARF believes that every cat and dog deserves a loving home. On behalf of Lilly Pond and all her siblings, thank you.

To learn more: https://www.arfhamptons.org

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