Essner and Kobin Case Study Video

An in-depth look at a medical malpractice suit for a family who lost their mother

Client: Essner & Kobin, LLP
Industry: Legal
Video Type: Landing Page Video
Messaging Type: Interview-based

About This Video Project

Essner and Kobin is a law firm dedicated to helping people who have been ignored by the system get what is owed to them. They specialize in medical malpractice and insurance cases and the video we created focused on one such case. The goal was to show an example of what they do and how they help. To achieve this we interviewed the partners in the firm, other lawyers there, and also a client named Jasmina. Her mother passed away due to medical malpractice and she was not able to find a law firm that would take her case. When she went to Essner & Kobin they helped without hesitation.

We knew in producing this video we would need to do two things. First, we needed to figure out how to get the most emotion out of Jasmina’s story without it feeling exploitative. Second, how to paint the visuals of her story without many assets from the actual event. For the visuals, we used a mix of pictures of her mother with subtle stock footage. We didn’t want anything graphic or overly specific. Instead, we wanted to let Jasmina’s words give meaning to what you were seeing. It’s very important when dealing with delicate subjects to put yourself in the shoes of the person telling the story. You need to care about what they care about and be as respectful as possible. This is something we do very well at Pennylane.

Essner & Kobin Marketing Video Pennylane

For more information about Essner & Kobin, LLP, please visit

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