Character Driven Videos

Marketing videos with real characters

Most character driven videos feature animated characters in animated videos but these are examples of real characters featured in marketing videos. Our character driven videos focus on the stories of an individual to tell the brand’s story in a personal way. They often involve interviews and day in the life documentary filmmaking to give viewers an inside look at how the subject thinks and feels.

Examples of our character driven videos

Characters In Your Videos

Be careful not to use too many characters in your story. Using a single character with a few sub-characters is a great way to tell a compelling story.

What makes a strong character?

Characters with a goal
Characters with conflict
Characters that transform
Characters that inspire
Characters with charisma


Why use Character Driven Videos?

People respond to stories and the best way to convey those is through real life people. The instinct of many marketers is to try and include as many people as possible in their marketing videos. This is often the wrong move. the more characters you include the more diluted the message and emotion you are trying to convey can become. Try finding one of two people who can represent the ideas you want to get across. This will allow your audience to connect your brand in a personal way.

4 Types of Characters that Inspire Great Storytelling


Person whose gone through a life-changing event


Person dealing with a life problem


Person with a strong desire


Person who has changed because of an event

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